Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 218 Let Owner-commands override restrictions set by objects.
Status: New Version: 7.2.12 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Submitted by: Miriam Himanez Attached file:
Type: Feature Request Submitted:
29/06/2016 21:03:34 PDT
Last Update:
Description: 1. Make sure sub's RLV-relay is switched to auto.

a) Let her enter a cell/cage/RLV-zone having at least the tp-restrictions active.
b) Let her sit on an RLV-furniture having at least a no unsit-restriction active.

a) Leave the place and try to summon her by the leashring.
b) Try to unsit her by the HUD.

What should happen: It would be great, if Dom had the power to free sub this ways, so to say by just snipping with fingers.

What actually happens: Both attempts fail, because of the restrictions set by the trap. If Dom hasn't got access to it's menu, there either would be left the possibility to switch off the RLV-relay by Dom (who couldn't do this if not present. Some mazes deny entry for people not wearing an active RLV-relay for example.) or safewording by sub.

What about adding a routine able to detect RLV-restrictions set by external devices conflicting with an Owner-command? So if a command is chosen and the routine detects a conflict, it automatically switches off the RLV-relay temporarily (just long enough to clear all restrictions set by the external device). The command gets executed successfully and the relay switches on again - finished. It's just theory of course. I've got no clue, if it's possible to realize.
If not, I have a "light version" of my idea too: An additional "emergency-summon"-button in the leashring-menu. If chosen, RLV is switched off for a moment and sub teleported/yanked to Dom, restrictions get cleared, RLV switched on Dom just needs to take out the leashring to save sub out of any hopeless situation. 🙂