Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 170 Menu "uHUD - teleporting..." doesn't work for Owner at all and just limited for sub.
Status: Completed Version: 7.1.6 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Lulu Submitted by: Miriam Himanez Attached file: Only_sub_can_use_tp-buttons.png
Type: Bug Submitted:
15/02/2016 15:41:52 PST
Last Update:
24/02/2016 22:08:32 PST
Description: 1. Make sure sub's RLV is activated in the viewer and choose menu "uHUD - teleport...".

2. Click an embedded landmark. (I chose the one to the warehouse which already comes with a fresh uHUD.)


What should happen:
No matter wether Owner or sub perform this actions (Of course sub needs to be allowed to teleport to do it herself.), sub should be force-teleported instantly. (Which works exactly as described if using "Main HUD - Warehouse" instead! Even if sub is leashed!! <-- It's getting complicated at this point. I better submit a separate bug-report for this.)

What actually happens:
As Owner you just receive a popup telling you that this buttons can be used by sub only. (Please view attached file.)
As sub the map pops up and you need to teleport manually. (Which doesn't make much sense to me because it would be easier just to teleport by the landmark from inventory then.)