Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 305 They keys for Signature HUD [7.5.0-beta.1.7] C seem to have become outdated suddenly.
Status: Closed Version: 7.5.0-beta.1.3 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Submitted by: Miriam Himanez Attached file:
Type: Bug Submitted:
14/12/2017 21:35:18 PST
Last Update:
12/07/2018 05:54:45 PDT
Description: 1. Make sure your sub is wearing this HUD-version.

2. If you got the last keybox recently, try out it's content first.

What should happen: Everything should work without problems.

What actually happens: Just the leashring still seems to work without any problem; the keys don't work stating they'd be outdated instead.

3. Proceed by picking up a new keybox and rezz it.

After opening it's door, the keybox should deliver the content to you.

There's no delivery; the keybox states, it'd be outdated as well.