Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 294 LULU SigCollar
Status: Assigned Version: 7.4.12 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Submitted by: mrsfixit resident Attached file:
Type: Bug Submitted:
30/06/2017 09:37:36 PDT
Last Update:
02/11/2018 05:02:13 PDT
Description: 1. When wearing the collar from the RLV folder.

2. Every time I log into SL it put me in the pet crawl mode.

3. Pet crawl is not turned on on the hud, yet it has me in that mode, and turning it on off does not release me from the AO only stop avatar AO from the viewer HUD does.

What should happen: you should be standing normally.

What actually happens: on login you are stuck in pet crawl.