Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 289 Implement a blacklist to prevent Owners from being harassed.
Status: New Version: 7.5.0-beta.1.3 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Submitted by: Miriam Himanez Attached file: Final_question_before_abandoning_for_Owner.png
Type: Feature Request Submitted:
22/06/2017 21:05:53 PDT
Last Update:
Description: It might sound crazy but from time to time unwilling Owners get harassed by subs not stopping to re-add them. On given occasion (heavy drama in the customer-group tonight) I'd like to suggest to implement a blacklist to prevent Owners from being harassed that way.
What about modifying the final question for Owners before abandoning? (Please view attached file.)
There could be 3 buttons in the future instead of currently 2. "yes", "no" and additionally "blacklist". If this button gets pushed, the avatarkey of the leaving Owner will be stored at a certain place inside sub's database, which prevents sub to submit to anyone, whose key is stored there once and for all.
If an Owner regrets the decision to blacklist later, an updated Fingers could possibly undo this.