Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 287 Signature HUD's TP to Warehouse works although legcuffs preventing movement (and teleports).
Status: Completed Version: 7.5.0-beta.1.3 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Submitted by: Miriam Himanez Attached file:
Type: Bug Submitted:
21/06/2017 21:02:21 PDT
Last Update:
03/07/2017 07:00:31 PDT
Description: 1. Choose "Legs..." in the cuff-menu.

2. Select a random pose with thighcuffs linked together tightly causing you to be prevented from moving (and teleporting) now.

3. Push "Warehouse" in the main menu of your Signature HUD.

What should happen: The attempt should fail because of the teleport preventing pose you're in.

What actually happens: You're teleporting to the warehouse instead.

Please note, that external devices (a restraint from another manufacturer you might wear additionally, an RLV-furniture you're locked on or a secure cell/cage/RLV-zone you're staying in) are able to block the Signature HUD's TP to Warehouse (But not the one from the oHUD!). When trying to perform the command the viewer always reacts with "Unable to initiate teleport due to RLV restrictions". Just tp-restrictions from the legcuffs seem to be ignored.