Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 278 Sub can be leashed although not wearing her collar.
Status: New Version: 7.5.0-beta.1.2 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Submitted by: Miriam Himanez Attached file:
Type: Bug Submitted:
14/06/2017 20:37:10 PDT
Last Update:
Description: 1. Make sure your sub isn't wearing her collar.

2. Wear the leashring.


What should happen: There should be a message complaining about the missing collar, nothing else.

What actually happens: The message comes up and sub is leashed to an invisible leash as well including most effects coming with it. She can be dragged around and follows Owner, if the one does a tp for example. Just the #RLV-restrictions (mainly no tp) don't seem to apply.