Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 274 Key's no longer fitting
Status: Completed Version: 7.4.10 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Submitted by: Aweris Resident Attached file:
Type: Bug Submitted:
03/06/2017 13:11:21 PDT
Last Update:
03/06/2017 18:57:37 PDT
Description: 1. Wearing the signature HUD

2. Equiping any key

What should happen:
Choice to un-/lock the gag/collar/restraint

What actually happens:
Aweris's 'LULU Signature HUD [7.4]'
O U T D A T E D ▶▶▶

Oops, your HUD is outdated.

Your key fits ℒսℓս Signature HUD [v7.3-beta.3], but you are wearing [v7.4].

Please wear [v7.3-beta.3] and try again?

Extra Note: I talked with other another user "Miriam Himanez" and her keys show the same behavour.