Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 263 One click onto the gag's T-button on the oHUD darkens it, although a trial is currently running.
Status: Completed Version: 7.4.10 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Submitted by: Miriam Himanez Attached file:
Type: Bug Submitted:
19/05/2017 17:23:35 PDT
Last Update:
21/05/2017 06:31:50 PDT
Description: 1. Gag your sub.

2. Lock her gag.

3. Start a gag-trial.

As soon as the trial begins to run the T-button stays highlighted.

4. Push the button again.

What should happen: After darkening for a moment (when clicked) it should get highlighted again as long as the trial is running.

What actually happens: It stays dark. Pushing it another time doesn't change this. This effect occurs no matter if Dom or sub pushes the button again.