Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 258 Delivery of new oHUD doesn't seem to work for non Signature HUD-owners/wearers.
Status: Completed Version: 7.4.10 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Submitted by: Miriam Himanez Attached file: Popup_offering_new_oHUD.png
Type: Bug Submitted:
14/05/2017 16:33:32 PDT
Last Update:
14/05/2017 17:24:21 PDT
Description: 1. Don't own a Signature HUD yourself and make sure you're wearing your oHUD 1.0-beta.3.

2. Login or do a teleport.

3. Wait for the popup offering beta.3.1 coming up. (Please view attached file.)

4. Push "get HUD".

What should happen: 2 updated oHUDs should arrive including an upcoming chat-message. Afterwards the old oHUD(s) should get detached.

What actually happens: The popup just closes. Nothing else happens.

While the update worked for me by the first trial, the alt owning me did many trials unsuccessfully. I haven't determined yet, wether one just needs to own the Signature HUD to get the update or needs to wear it too. I will do so, if it emerges to be helpful to track down this bug.