Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 238 Menu stays active after sub having been trapped and asked wether to allow or deny.
Status: Completed Version: 7.3.0-beta.4.0 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Submitted by: Miriam Himanez Attached file: Security-question.png
Type: Bug Submitted:
21/08/2016 16:35:05 PDT
Last Update:
27/04/2017 17:51:54 PDT
Description: 1. Set your sub's RLV-relay to either "ask" or "play".

2. Let an RLV-furniture trying to trap her.

3. The security-question comes up for her. (Please view attached file.)

4. Let her try out all available options except "?".

5. Try to access the uHUD-menu yourself directly after any trial.

What should happen: No matter which option she chose her popup is closed afterwards, so the uHUD-menu should open for you instantly.

What actually happens: Just after hitting "done" you've got instant access. The 3 other options close her popup but keep it active until timeout anyhow, so you receive the hijack-popup instead. (Please view file attached to issue #237.)
To me "back" and "done" don't make sense in this popup. The question appears automatically after the grab-attempt. There isn't any menu to go "back" to and the popup should be already "done" after answering the question by either "Allow" or "Deny".