Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 231 Opening menu "uHUD - ao config... - ?" freezes the uHUD still on 1 of 3 trials.
Status: Completed Version: 7.3.0-beta.2.1 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Submitted by: Miriam Himanez Attached file:
Type: Bug Submitted:
01/08/2016 22:13:44 PDT
Last Update:
28/04/2017 20:50:25 PDT
Description: 1. Open menu "uHUD - ao config... - ?".

2. Wait for the ZHAO-II info-notecard to be offered.


What should happen: The explanation-popup should come up.

What actually happens: Approximately on any 3rd trial, I did, a stack-heap collision occured directly after the notecard having been offered, causing the uHUD to freeze completely. Last one was this:

[20:20] LULU Utility HUD [2.2-beta.7]: LULU Utility HUD [2.2-beta.7] [script:LULU.HUD.utility.controller.1.lsl] Script run-time error
[20:20] LULU Utility HUD [2.2-beta.7]: Stack-Heap Collision

Unlike in issue #190 the uHUD does an auto-restart now directly after having been unfrozen by doing a teleport. The explanation-popup appears and pushing "back" closes the menu. Afterwards the uHUD continues to work normally.

If all those run-time errors are caused by the delivery of the notecard together with the explanation coming up, what about to change this in a way making both actions doesn't happen together anymore? An additional "Notecard"-button for delivery could be a simple solution then. Because of the menu-browser already being full in the basic ao config...-menu, it could be placed inside the info-popup itself, so one could choose either to get the notecard or to go back to the menu.