Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 228 Using "?" within 2 submenus of "ao...config" causes a little "menu-confusion".
Status: Completed Version: 7.2.13 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Submitted by: Miriam Himanez Attached file:
Type: Bug Submitted:
22/07/2016 18:43:19 PDT
Last Update:
31/07/2016 02:49:18 PDT
Description: 1. Choose menu "uHUD - ao config...".

2. Step forward to either "sit..." or "stand...".

3. Push "?".

What should happen: The respective explanation popup should come up, nothing else.

What actually happens: Additionally the ZHAO-II notecard is being offered (which just should happen after pushing "?" within the basic ao config-menu, I believe).

Please do the following steps now:

4. Hit "back" and then "done" to close the menu.

5. Reopen it and and go to "ao config..." again.

What should happen: The basic ao config-menu should open.

What actually happens: The submenu you've been in before opens instead. Pushing "back" fixes this little confusion.