Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 224 Move the gag's label-feature to the collar and a few other suggestions about it as well.
Status: New Version: 7.2.12 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Submitted by: Miriam Himanez Attached file:
Type: Feature Request Submitted:
01/07/2016 20:52:15 PDT
Last Update:
Description: The gag's hovertext is a nice possibility to show a short info to the public.
I believe it would be better to make it a collar-feature in the future, just for the reason, that a collar generally tends to be worn way more often (or even always), than a gag might do.
Also I'd prefer if it would be independent from detaching, so once set the collar would keep showing it (no matter how often it might have been detached in the meantime) until being deleted manually.
Placing it a bit lower above the head would be good too; at the moment it gets overlapped (at least partially) by the name-tag if the camera isn't very near. Possibly this differs from person to person, so I'm thinking about a possibility to adjust it's altitude by the menu. (Maybe a bit too much effort just to show a simple hovertext; I'm not sure.)
These are multiple suggestions within just one request. I'm sorry for this. Just wrote them down alltogether because they're all related to the same feature, which is a relatively simple one. Didn't want to fill the issue-list with multiple requests just because of it.