Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 222 Kneel-animation not maintained if sub sat on animating furniture in between
Status: Completed Version: 7.2.12 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Submitted by: Miriam Himanez Attached file:
Type: Bug Submitted:
01/07/2016 16:44:19 PDT
Last Update:
31/07/2016 16:35:21 PDT
Description: 1. Chain your sub's ankles together, so that she's just hardly able to move by Shift-Left and Shift-Right. (The issue can be triggered as well if legs being chained together tightly, so that moving isn't possible at all.)

2. Let her sit (or force sit her) onto some animating furniture. (It needs to have at least one animation inside, otherwise the issue won't be triggered.)

3. Let her stand up again (or unsit her).

What should happen: She should go down on her knees again.

What actually happens: She just keeps standing. If trying to move she crawls on her knees but as soon as stopping she stands up again. Only a relog causes her to stay on her knees as expected.
I experienced this issue after being animated in other ways as well. (Animated by someone's cuddle-HUD or simply by detaching the gag for example.)