Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 209 locked securely, or is it?
Status: Closed Version: 7.2.5 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Lulu Submitted by: Kechara Kirax Attached file:
Type: Bug Submitted:
24/04/2016 18:12:05 PDT
Last Update:
27/04/2016 04:16:34 PDT
Description: 1. lock the gag while worn.

2. right click an outfit and select replace current outfit

3. the new outfit is added to the avatar

What should happen: the RLV enabled LOCKED gear should remain on and locked onto the avatar

What actually happens: "LOCKED" RLV enabled gear detaches with the following message [18:04] ⋯ ☢ NAUGTHY BITCH ALARM ☢
You have just detached your ℒսℓս Gag in Fathom (174,133,2001) (perhaps by wearing an outfit from inventory?). Executing automatic Re-rez right now. Please stand by...

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