Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 204 Let Owner know if sub has used "Safeword" or relogged without RLV.
Status: Completed Version: 7.2.2 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Submitted by: Miriam Himanez Attached file:
Type: Feature Request Submitted:
14/04/2016 18:33:05 PDT
Last Update:
30/04/2017 04:52:16 PDT
Description: If sub is stuck in an RLV-trap, she has the possibility to use "Safeword" to free herself but she doesn't just get freed. After using this option she persistently has access to the RLV-relays's settings, even if they have been set by Owner before. (Is this a bug or intention? I'm not sure.)
First of all because of her persistent access to the relay-settings after safewording, it would be nice for Owner to get a message about it, I think. This could be limited to the one having set up the relay before in the case of sub having multiple Owners. Could it be a good idea to handle relogging without RLV same way?