Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 203 The uHUD's RLV-relay tends to unreliability.
Status: Completed Version: 7.2.2 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Submitted by: Miriam Himanez Attached file:
Type: Bug Submitted:
14/04/2016 18:26:35 PDT
Last Update:
22/07/2016 19:03:34 PDT
Description: 1. Make sure to have your sub's RLV-relay set to "auto".

2. Take her to some dungeon and let a device (RLV-trap/furniture, forcesitter and so on) grab her.

3. Proceed to the next device and try out as many as possible.

What should happen: Most devices first scan for the relay and if found, offer to trap sub. Trapping sub comes with more or less additional restrictions. Anyhow the result should be, that the relay gets recognized and sub trapped with the restrictions being applied properly. Of course after release these restrictions should be repealed as well.

What actually happens: There's a chance I tax between 30 and 40%, that either the device doesn't recognize the relay or fails to grab sub. If such a grab-attempt fails, the device usually fails to recognize the relay on the following trials as well. Although it differs after a relog, which device is successful and which not, it never differs within the same session, so a device once having grabbed sub successfully, will continue to do so but might not after relogging. Sometimes releasing doesn't work well either and sub needs to relog to get rid of the restrictions.
At the moment I'm a little bit short of time but I'm planning to do more tests soon including using a stand-alone-relay, to get results I could compare with the ones of the uHUD's relay and to be able to close out possibly malfunctioning devices as well.