Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 190 Opening menu "uHUD - ao config... - ?" freezes the uHUD on most trials.
Status: Completed Version: 7.2.1-beta.1.1 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Lulu Submitted by: Miriam Himanez Attached file: Crippled_ao_config_-_menu.png
Type: Bug Submitted:
16/03/2016 15:12:11 PDT
Last Update:
31/07/2016 00:20:42 PDT
Description: 1. Open menu "uHUD - ao config... - ?"

2. Wait for the ZHAO-II info-notecard to be offered.


What should happen: The explanation-popup should come up.

What actually happens: On most trials, I did, a stack-heap collision occured directly after the nc had been offered, causing the uHUD to freeze completely. Last one was this:

[2016/03/16 14:21] LULU Utility HUD [2.1-beta.1]: LULU Utility HUD [2.1-beta.1] [script:LULU.HUD.utility.controller.1.lsl] Script run-time error
[2016/03/16 14:21] LULU Utility HUD [2.1-beta.1]: Stack-Heap Collision

After relogging the uHUD continues to work. On login the explanation popup is open, directing one back to a crippled "ao config..." - menu. (Please view attached file.) After leaving this menu, either by choosing "back" or "done" the uHUD seems to work properly again.