Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 179 Give someone a chance to decline if being offered ownership.
Status: Abandoned Version: 7.1.7 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Submitted by: Miriam Himanez Attached file:
Type: Idea Submitted:
24/02/2016 20:31:34 PST
Last Update:
05/04/2016 17:25:53 PDT
Description: To set someone as Owner is most easy. It needs just 4 clicks to be done, if the desired person is near and if not their name needs to be typed into the menu additionally, done within a few seconds as well. This works even if the person isn't online. The new Owner doesn't receive any message; instead the keybox is being sent immediately. This just doesn't feel correct to me. What about at least disabling the possibility to set a person being offline as Owner in general? Actually I'd go even a step further: New Owner and sub should face each other for this to work (similar to locking/unlocking), so both should be very near together. Owner could receive a popup with a question then, something like ">> insert name << offers you to submit to you. Do you accept? Options to reply to this could be: "Yes.", "No." and even "Never!" perhaps. In the last case the person's avatar-key could be safed into a blacklist sub wouldn't be able to access, preventing sub to ask that one again. What about an additional job for Fingers in your warehouse in the case the person wants "Never!" to be undone some time?
Vice versa there could be a similar option for a random person clicking sub's gear as well. That one could receive a popup after clicking like for example: "You just touched >> insert name <<'s collar/cuff/gag. Do you want her/him to surrender to you?" followed by "Yes." or "No.". In the first case sub would receive a matching questioning popup then: ">> insert name << claims your submission. Do you surrender?" followed by "Yes.", "No." and "Never!" as well. Of course here Fingers could realize to undo a "Never!" as well. For the second case there's already an existing popup that could be kept.