Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 173 All tp-restrictions coming with the leash vanish if sub relogs.
Status: Completed Version: 7.1.7 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Lulu Submitted by: Miriam Himanez Attached file:
Type: Bug Submitted:
18/02/2016 17:59:02 PST
Last Update:
09/03/2016 02:43:21 PST
Description: 1. Make sure sub has RLV activated in her viewer and leash her. It makes no difference wether you're holding the leashholder, have it rezzed somewhere or having the sub leashed to some random object.

2. Let her check the rlv-restrictions in her viewer-restrictions-list. The leash comes with 5 tp-restrictions:
- tplm
- tploc
- tplure_sec
- sittp
- standtp

3. Let her relog and check the list again afterwards.

What should happen: The restrictions should be persistent, because she's still on the leash.

What actually happens: All 5 restrictions have vanished, so she's able to escape without a problem.
This is the only bug I already noticed when using HUD6 and I bet it's the same sl-bug standing behind it being responsible for issue #159 as well. I have no knowledge of scripting, I have to admit, anyhow it seems to be obvious to me: The HUD has difficulties to detect the gear on login properly (just for a most tiny moment), so it tends to send false detach-messages, surplus copies of gear...and of course it forgets the tp-restrictions (no collar = no leash = no restrictions caused by it) as well. A refutation to this would be, that issue #159 doesn't occur on non shared attachment-points but I observed something interesting in the last days: If I come online after being offline for several hours my HUD sends a false Owner-message of collar-detach although "neck" isn't shared at all. If I relog once more everything is ok again...until next day. Makes sense to me, because logging in after half a day lasts longer than doing this after a short timespan. Much more data to process. Another hint is the fact that other possible RLV-restrictions doesn't seem to be affected at all. (I tested locking attachments and layers; sitting in the cage as well.) They overlife a relog without any problem. Makes sense to me as well, because they've nothing to do with worn gear.
I have an idea for a workaround this tp-issue. Possibly I see it all way to simple; anyhow I'd like to tell you about: What about just saving the information wether Owner has set the leash or not completely apart from the presence of the collar? (Which means apart from the sl bug as well!) The collar just would need to be present for the HUD to accept setting/unsetting of the restrictions. Detach of an unlocked but leashed collar could be just disabled to prevent confusing the HUD and the emergency-option in the leash-menu could be moved (or copied) to the MainHUD-menu in case of a malfunction. Just an idea, as I said, and of course it just could work around this tp-problem, not fix issue #159 of course.