Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 166 more security
Status: Need Info Version: 7.1.4 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Submitted by: thespike resident Attached file:
Type: Feature Request Submitted:
09/02/2016 06:34:40 PST
Last Update:
24/04/2016 04:52:28 PDT
Description: you say lulu cuffs are the most secure, i'd like them to really be that way.
i'd like to see a hardcore option that once the submissive turns this on the submissive cannot add or remove owners while locked. right now it's too easy to add someone else to the cuffs so they can undo a setting your owner placed that you might not like.

i'd also like to see the collar behave more traditionally for self locking. when the key is used to set a self locked timer the submissive still has access to things they would not have if their owner had set them such as unlocking and turning off pet crawl or adjusting other settings. while i do understand that i am self owned if i am also self time locked shouldn't the collar treat me as tho i am locked by someone else while the timer is active?