Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 165 Owner's leashhandle initiates a teleport if clicked by the sub
Status: Completed Version: 7.1.3 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Lulu Submitted by: Miriam Himanez Attached file:
Type: Bug Submitted:
08/02/2016 19:30:12 PST
Last Update:
12/02/2016 03:53:05 PST
Description: 1. Dare to click your Owner's leashhandle either if rezzed or even if it's in your Owner's hand.



What should happen: I'm not really sure. A simple solution could be that absolutely nothing happens at all...or some kind of punishment perhaps.

What actually happens: The leashhandle initiates a force tp instead together with the according messages for Owner and sub, followed by an "Unable to initiate teleport due to RLV restrictions" if the sub is leashed. I'm believing that it isn't meant like this so I view it as bug, not as feature-request.