Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 164 Owner doesn't receive a message when Focus is switched off.
Status: Completed Version: 7.1.3 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Lulu Submitted by: Miriam Himanez Attached file:
Type: Bug Submitted:
08/02/2016 18:53:10 PST
Last Update:
09/02/2016 21:21:09 PST
Description: 1. Go into menu "Main HUD - Focus"

2. Click "START".

3. Click "STOP".

What should happen:
After starting the anti-afk mode both owner and sub receive a message in chat.
After stopping it both should receive a message as well.

What actually happens:
After starting the anti-afk mode both owner and sub receive a message.
After stopping it just the sub receives a message. The owner gets nothing.

Please note that after starting and stopping the menu is been switched off. My last Dom told me that with HUD6 he had the option to set an individual time interval after starting instead. This would be another bug then but I've never tried out this menu myself before, so I can't say what should happen in detail.