Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 147 RLV relay switches off and uHUD unlocks (if no gear is locked) on any login
Status: Completed Version: 7.0.7 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Lulu Submitted by: Miriam Himanez Attached file:
Type: Bug Submitted:
10/01/2016 22:19:43 PST
Last Update:
14/01/2016 04:18:40 PST
Description: 1. Switch RLV relay on. I used "auto".

2. Relog.


What should happen: RLV relay keeps the setting, uHUD keeps being locked even if no other gear is locked.

What actually happens: RLV relay switches back to "off" and uHUD unlocks if no other gear is locked including sending "unlock"-message in chat.