Current Project: HUD7

Issue ID# 103 chain functions don't seem to be right at all times.
Status: Closed Version: 7.0.0-beta.1.1 Priority: 3
Assigned to: Lulu Submitted by: Idris Georgia Attached file:
Type: Bug Submitted:
29/07/2015 21:55:39 PDT
Last Update:
19/01/2016 15:24:58 PST
Description: 1. Locked slave in arms tight/tight behind back mid. Locked kneeling thighs tight, ankles loose.

2. Attempted to adjust chains. Details below.

What should happen: Arms/wrists/thigh/ankle chains should be set.

What actually happens: chain menu shows Row 1: wri-wri (disabled), arm-arm(disabled), thi-thi. Row 2: wri-arm, arm-thi, thi-thi (disabled). Row 3: wri-thi, arm-ank, ank-ank(disabled). Row 4: wri-ank, back, free all.

When either of the thi-thi buttons are used get menu that they are set and can't be changed. There is no thi-ank button.

There are no chains visible between the thigh cuffs.